Like so many of you I am beyond frustrated with the polarization and simple sloganeering that dominate public discourse today. As a former elected official in Georgia and a technology/science educated businessman, I feel I have a distinct and informed perspective on “reality” today in modern politics.
Each column I hope will serve to chip away at the fallacy that a particular issue/person/law/event is either A or B. Our world is a mess of gray. Two things can often be full of truth at the same time, even if they live in different political camps.
I have been and remain a principled conservative, a fact which my voting record in the Georgia House easily supports. There and in other places I have encountered principled liberals, with whom I often disagreed and sometimes agreed. Neither our agreements or disagreements made either of us unprincipled. What I am here to say is that messy reality does not mean that you or I must give up our principles, nor does it mean you have to abandon your “tribe.” Just be comfortable in the real world, the one that lives between polar interpretations of A and B.